داستان آبیدیک

mining conception study


1 زمین‌شناسی و معدن:: مطالعه مفهوم معدن کاری

Discussion of the reserve calculation performance as well as the volume of reserves evaluation is given in frame of the text part of Volume 4 of the Final Report - Mining Conception Study MINING CONCEPTION STUDY The Mining Conception Study is related to the most investigated and most potential part of the Galandrud deposit - tectonic block TT in the area A, where the tunnelling work has already been open and where all the reserves verified in a B category are located The goal of this study is to give an overview of geological conditions influencing the coal mining at the Galandrud deposit, and to suggest the optimum way and course of mining. , MINING CONCEPTION STUDY Results of geological mapping l : 5 000, dressing study, mining conception study and coal reserves of area A calculation (down to the level of 700 m a.s.l.) were included in this report and approved.

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